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Maccaferri Africa


Liberia, West Africa

Project Description

A key rail export line for an iron ore mine in Liberia experienced a failure on one of the spans, this had to be remedied as fast as possible and PeraGage was therefore contacted to provide an emergency Mechanically Stabilised Earth Wall (MSEW) design to allow passage of export trains to resume. This design was to be carried out with only MSEW materials on hand at the mine and had to account for the high dynamic axle loads and possible environmental conditions (e.g. River levels, rainfall).

The nature of emergency works required intensive consultation with the client and other concerned parties while the design was ongoing. The design, as well as reviewed and detailed design drawings (drawn by others) was delivered to the client and construction was completed with further consultation between design, drawing, and construction teams.

Project Tasks

  • Design of tip-walls:
    • Internal and External Strength Limit State Design using FHWA-NHI-10-024 design manual.
    • Global and Serviceability Limit State Design using Finite Element Modelling software (Plaxis 2D).
  • Drawing detailing and review:
    • Fill material specification based on available materials.
    • Base scour protection.
    • Reinforcing geogrid layout.

Project Results

The time sensitive nature of the emergency works placed a premium on efficient design work and communication between teams. The design was delivered in stages as they were completed in under a month, and construction of the rehabilitation works were completed a further month thereafter.

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